Cast: 4m., 2w. (Can be reduced to 3m., and 2w. with doubling.)
In Edgar Alan Poe’s chilling story of madness and revenge, where Montresor walls up Fortunato deep within the family crypt, leaving him there to die, we do not know the nature of the unspecified insult that compels this action. Elliott has endeavored to fill in ‘the rest of the story’, using the power of music to heighten the drama.
Beautifully cold and dark, The Cask Of Amontillado will bring an audience to the precipice of a fearful thought, delicious in it’s plausibility, that somewhere, there is a skeleton shackled behind the wall of perhaps a wine cellar, and then allow them to leave the theatre smiling, having entertained that thought.
Approximate running time 90 minutes. Area staging with set props. Accompaniment CD available.